• Pregnancy And Dental Work

    Most of the carrying or expecting moms may have come across the questions related to dental works. Annual exams and dental cleanings are safe and recommended. Hormone level rise during the pregnancy causes gums to swell, bleed and eventually causes irritation to gums. It is very important and recommended to do preventive dental work to

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  • How Drinking Water Improves Oral Health?

    Drinking water is required for bodies and keeps us healthy. It is the healthiest drink that keeps us hydrated that keeps our skin and organs healthy. Water is also good for losing the weight as there are no calories in water. Do you that drinking water is beneficial for oral health? Staying hydrated keeps nutrients

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  • Unveiling Herpes Cold Sore Facts & Prevention Techniques

    Cold Sore or Herpes Labialis Herpes Cold sores also known as Herpes labialis are small sores filled with fluid appears in the lips or mouth. In the beginning, you feel itching and burning in the lips or mouth. It can be really painful and irritating. These Sores will last for 7 to 10 days and

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  • How To Keep Your Gums Healthy?

    When it comes to mouth’s health, it’s about how straight your teeth are how bright your smile is. Anyway, you can’t forget about the gums. Even if you are cavity free and have pearl-like teeth that don’t mean you are immune to gum disease. Most often gum diseases are painless, most people have no idea

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  • Things To Know About Teething In Babies

    How To Keep Your Baby Comfortable At The Time Of Teething All the babies are really cute and look like an angel. Their lovely smile will look cuter when they have their teeth. Everybody will fall in love with that cute angel’s smile. But there are some things that parents must aware about the teething

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  • Nano Dentistry

    Earlier, nano dentistry seemed to be fiction than fact, but in the present scenario with the advancements in science, technology and medicine, it will become a reality. When used with nanotechnology, that refers to the use of minute machinery that will manipulate the matter. Nanotechnology is employed to showcase virtually a product with the use

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  • Dental Sealants To Protect Your Teeth

    Dental Sealants Sometimes no matter how we try to protect our teeth by regular brushing and proper care, the teeth will get damaged, especially the back teeth called molars. Many people face this problem and they wonder how it happened. Sometimes the food particles will stay safe here and bacteria will feed on it and

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  • Dental Care Tips And Issues Of Teenagers

    Most of the teenagers fail to take care of their teeth. It’s not due to the lack of knowledge of dental issues its just they are not worried about their teeth and other dental issues. It is our duty to make them realise how important is oral health and dental hygiene. If they skip taking

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  • Best Foods That Can Whiten Your Teeth

    Teeth Whitening – The Best Foods To Eat We all know there are many treatments that help you to get back your white colour of the teeth. How many of you are aware of the foods that can whiten the teeth? There are some foods that help your teeth to shine more brightly. We all

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  • How To Maintain Dental Health While Aging

    As you age your dental health will become weak. It is really important to take care of your teeth as you become old. It is natural that your dental health becomes weak but by the proper care, you can maintain dental health. The teeth will become less sensitive and create many dental issues due to the

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