• Leukoplakia Treatment

    Leukoplakia Treatment The main symptom of leukoplakia disease is the thick white patches on the gums, inside portion of cheeks, mouth and sometimes in and around the tongue. These patches are thick and can’t be scraped off. These white patches are based on the use of tobacco. If you chew or smoke tobacco this situation

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  • Dry Mouth Causes And Treatment

    What Is Dry Mouth? Dry mouth also called xerostomia is a condition of less saliva in your mouth. This is happening when salivary glands in mouth not making enough saliva to keep your mouth wet. Let us discuss the causes of dry mouth in detail. The major part of saliva is water. 98% of saliva

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  • Bone Augmentation

    Bone augmentation is the process of rebuilding the bones in the mouth. Some people may have insufficient natural, healthy bone to support dental implants. They need to get the treatment for bone augmentation. Using this treatment the implants are securely kept inside the alveolar bone structure. The bone graft material is placed into the existing

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  • Tooth Decay In Toddlers & How to prevent Tooth Decay

    Tooth Decay In Toddlers Tooth decay is a condition that affects both adults and toddlers. Around 42 percent of children in between ages 2 to 11 has a cavity in their primary teeth. The cavities and tooth decay happen in the children frequently. The parents need to have the patience to talk about these conditions

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  • Wisdom Tooth Extraction

    Why Wisdom Tooth Extraction required? Wisdom tooth extraction (tooth extraction) is required when it is misaligned in the mouth. Misalignment of wisdom tooth can cause damage to the adjacent teeth or the nerves or jawbone. In such situations wisdom tooth extraction becomes necessary. Wisdom teeth are the last and third set of molars that are mostly

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  • How Do Dental Implants Work?

    Our teeth are made up of a strong element and it is fixed in the jaw bones. For an adult person, there will be 32 teeth for them. Some may have the missing teeth which are caused by some dental problems or due to accidents. Missing teeth will cause problems to eat and speak. The

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  • How To Treat Bad Breath?

    The bad breath is a problem that mainly affects our confidence in general. We will find it difficult to talk with others due to bad breath. Halitosis is the other name for bad breath. This is caused because of poor dental habits or hygiene or may be a sign of some other health issues. The

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  • How To Choose The Best Toothbrush

    A toothbrush is a part of our daily morning routine. We have seen various toothbrushes in the market with advanced ‘technologies’. Some may brush the teeth for a long time and someone will brush for just a few seconds. Selecting the right toothbrush is important. This post is to give guidelines for you to choose

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  • How To Avoid Plaque On Teeth?

    Plaque is a serious issue in this era. We have changed our eating habits and we are addicted to sugary foods. Due to the hectic life, we may tend to avoid brushing after dinner. And eating continuously due to the work pressure or tension in the office also produces plaque and other dental problems. Routine

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  • Oral Hygiene

    Tips to Promote Oral Hygiene Do you want to know about the plaque? Plaque is the sticky substance that has millions of bacteria accumulated on your teeth which will not flush out despite of brushing. The fact is that, tooth brush cannot remove plaque. Many of the food items that are consumed by the people

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