Prenatal Dental Care Is Important For Mother And Infant Baby

Impact of Prenatal Dental Care:

Prenatal Dental Care is very important. It is very Important to plan a dental health checkup when you plan for a baby. This is done to prepare your body for the intense period you are going through. Waiting for your newborn is a great experience mentally and physically. And when you become ready for your motherhood, you should give priority for your health condition and that includes oral health too. Like you visit your doctor every month for your regular prenatal checkups, do dental checkups also. Your dentist can help you by explaining these changes happens for your oral health and the necessary cares you should adopt.

Necessity Of Prenatal Dental Care:

Most of the mothers are not really know about the oral problems that emerge during their pregnancy and later the baby. They just ignore it as usual. The people think that babies need dental care only after their first teeth erupt. But in reality, you should visit a dentist for your baby when you are conceived or even after the baby born.

Dental Care

Importance Of Prenatal Dental Care:

Prepare physically and mentally before conceiving. Prepare yourself by means of physical and mental health. It is prime most care for your oral as well as overall health. This time is free to have any medication, Xray’s, scans etc. So, this is the perfect time to find the link between you and your babies’ dental condition. Still, avoid some medication with the advice of your doctor.


Care during the pregnancy:

If you skip your appointment with your dentist before you conceive. Then no problems f you haven’t any dental problems. But it is essential after you have conceived. So, make sure the dental checkups during your pregnancy period. But the chance of medications is very less at this time, especially up to the end of the first trimester. And in the later stages, you are capable of doing small surgery or root canal if necessary. Bacteria’s that causes decay may lead to the birth of low birth weight babies. And this increase higher tendencies to have decayed in babies too.


All these care needs proper oral care for the mother. She should alert to brush twice for the healthy teeth and dental condition for her baby.



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