Tooth Sensitivity Causes

Teeth SensitivityTooth sensitivity or “dentin hypersensitivity” is exactly what it sounds like: sudden and sharp pain or discomfort in the teeth as a response to certain stimuli, such as hot or cold temperatures.

It may be temporary or a chronic problem and it can affect one tooth, several teeth, or all the teeth in a single individual.

Tooth sensitivity has a high prevalence among the general population and is a very common cause of visits to the dentist. A range of potential treatment such as dentin blocking agents, nerve desensitization, restorative approaches are carried out to prevent sensitivity.


Some people naturally have more sensitive teeth than others due to having thinner enamel. The enamel is the outer layer of the tooth that protects it. In many cases, the tooth’s enamel can be worn down from:

  • Hard tooth brush.
  • Grinding your teeth at night.
  • Eating or drinking acidic foods and beverages.


Your dentist can do this during your routine dental cleaning. They’ll clean your teeth and do a visual exam. They may touch your teeth using dental instruments to check for sensitivity, and they might also order an X-ray on your teeth to rule out causes like cavities.


  • Choose toothpaste that’s labeled as being specifically made for sensitive teeth. These toothpastes may have desensitizing ingredients that help block the discomfort from traveling to the nerve of the tooth.
  • Using softer tooth brushes and brushing more gently can also help.
  • Application of fluoride gel or desensitizing agent’s in-office. These can help to strengthen the enamel and protect your teeth.

Tooth sensitivity is a common Dental Problem. Hope this article is help you to know more about teeth sensitivity. We can also help with this. For further queries contact us. There are more services that we provided for your healthy teeth.

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