How To Encourage Your Child to Brush Their Teeth

Good oral hygiene leads to better teeth and better overall health. This is why it’s so important to instill good habits in them while they’re still young. Brushing your teeth is one of the important habits of personal hygiene. Of course, not a lot of kids are interested in things that are “good for them.” Eating lots of vegetables and going to bed early is “good for them,” but they’re not terribly interested in that kind of thing, either. Let’s go through some tips on “how to encourage your child to brush their teeth”.

how to Encourage your children to brush their teeth

Often, the more you try to force kids to brush their teeth, the more they’ll want to do just the opposite. (It’s just the way a lot of kids are.) Still, that doesn’t mean you should give up the struggle – not when we’re talking about the future of their dental health.

If you can encourage your kids to brush, rather than force and demand – then you will get better results.  You can help them understand why this simple routine every morning and night can be so beneficial for them.

Start Early

The best habits start early on in life. So the earlier you get your kids started, the more likely they’ll be able to take care of their teeth for the rest of their lives.

A soft-bristled brush with a small head is perfect for small children, and be sure that you supervise the process while they’re learning.

encourage your child to brush their teeth

Get Their Input on Dental Products

When you let your kids choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste, they’ll be a lot more likely to use them later. This gives them a chance to pick out the brushes that sport their favorite characters or a type of toothpaste they liked using before.

Make Brushing More Fun

There are a lot of simple things you can do to help your children make brushing a regular part of their day.  If you can make brushing more fun, though, you’ll have a lot more success.

There are several simple things you can do to help your children look forward to better oral hygiene. You might try:

  • Teaching by example – Make sure they see you walking the walk as well as talking the talk.
  • Set up a reward system – Something as simple as a calendar and sticker system can work great.
  • Sing a song – Or play a song that’s about two minutes long. Keep them brushing the whole time and they’ll become accustomed to how long brushing should take.
  • Read a story – This is basically the same principle as singing a song. It lets them focus on something else and get used to a dental hygiene routine.


Here we went through some tips on how to encourage your child to brush their teeth. Along with that, don’t forget to do regular dental spa visit. Get an appointment on

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