• Understanding the Role of Orthodontics in Facial Structure

    The Role of Orthodontics in Facial Structure is to identify, stop, and straighten up crooked teeth and jaws. Although straightening teeth is a common cosmetic benefit of orthodontics, its effects extend far beyond a lovely smile. A person’s overall look and self-esteem can be greatly impacted by their facial structure, which is why orthodontic treatments

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  • Can Braces Make Your Teeth Loosen or Fall Out?

    Can Braces Make Your Teeth Loosen or Fall Out?

    Worried that braces will weaken, loosen, or cause your teeth to fall out? No, absolutely not! The braces will not weaken your teeth or cause them to fall out; however, you may feel pain and discomfort after a few days and your teeth may be a little loose after the braces are tightened for the

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  • Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Right for Your Child?

    Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Right for Your Child?

    Orthodontic treatment is necessary for optimum dental health and an attractive smile. While many people associate braces with teenagers, orthodontic treatment can begin at any age. This article will discuss whether early orthodontic treatment is right for your child. Early orthodontic therapy, also known as interceptive orthodontics, is an orthodontic treatment that begins before the

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